Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ok this is my first post and sorry if anyone does read this but it will not be exciting i'm sure. This is for my husband and I to get our story written down- so it is real and help strengthen our marriage and really see where we went wrong.

We have been together since we were 16 and 17. We are now 30 and 31. So yea a long time- We have 4 kids and we have been through a whole lot. Addictions, cheating, affairs and here we are still together. We are turning a page and starting a new marriage.

At present moment I am living in Houston with our 4 children and Mike is living in New York. This is not by choice of course- it will be until possible 9/27/2014 which is a scary thought but it is possible. I will get into more of this later.

The current issue that we are struggling to overcome is Mike's 6 week affair with a woman who is currently imprisoned for multiple DWIs and is a complete mess. She is very similar to Mike's own mother which is not a good thing at all. Someone with 4 kids of her own and who is possibly looking to obtain the lifelong government assistance award. Yes she likes to have children but apparently does not feel like she needs to get off her own lazy arse and get a long term job. Ok I could go off on a huge rant of what a loser this bandana wearing, wrestling watching is ( and I will) but that is not for right now.

My husband will be contributing to this blog as well so both perspectives are available. For the next month and a half or so it will not be a whole lot but that is also a story that is for another post.

I think thats the hardest part about starting a blog- figuring out in what order to get the story out in.

We have had so many ups and downs in 14 years, but so much love... and passion... we have real passion for each other. Everyone who knows us feels like there is nothing that can tear us apart- probably because we have been through everything and are still together. 

Anyway, I just wanted to get this post done- So I can see how this all works- I realize that no one is probably reading this because I haven't attached any blogs on here yet but eventually maybe we will have a couple of readers :)

I promise this will get better- just needs a little love and time :)